Guillaume Besse

Former student of Ecole Centrale in Paris, Guillaume Besse (born August 7, 1971) is a French entrepreneur and venture capitalist.

Biography and business career

Guillaume Besse [1] is the CEO of entreprise-facile,[2] a SaaS software editor for entrepreneurs and companies,[3] he founded in 2007.[4][5][6] He’s also coaching entrepreneurs from Ecole Centrale Paris and ESSEC business school, he participates to interviews,[7] conferences[8][9][10] and he’s also member of jurys for entrepreneurs competitions [11] about entrepreneurship.

The 27th of April 2011, he was invited by President Nicolas Sarkozy to assist at the launching of Conseil national du numérique at Palais de l’Elysée.[12]

In 2006, Guillaume Besse cofounded Le Ker,[13] a venture capital company.

From 2001 to 2006, Guillaume Besse[14] was CEO of Prolitec,[15][16] a company he took over and later sold to Richard Weening’s company Quaestus,[17] who has been president[18] ever since. Guillaume Besse is still shareholder and board member of the company.[19] Prolitec is a world leader in the development and deployment of innovative technologies and solutions for aerobiology and indoor air quality.[20] Current applications include wide-area Odor Remediation, Ambient Scenting,[21][22][23][24] Restroom Hygiene, Product Advertising, and Aromatherapy and Performance. Prolitec’s advanced air treatment systems combine state-of-the-art chemistry with proprietary computer-controlled delivery systems to provide clients unprecedented flexibility in enhancing indoor air quality.[25]

In 2006, with other famous French entrepreneurs, he was invited by Dominique de Villepin, who was French Foreign Office Minister at that time, to go to China for an official visit.[26]

In 2003, Guillaume Besse co-founded Itélios,[27][28] an IT services company specialized in e-commerce, based in France and Brazil, which he is board member.

In 2002, beside his other businesses, he co-founded Dedicate Publishing, owner of DEdiCate magazine.[29]

From 1999 to 2001, Guillaume Besse founded and was President of nFactory,[30] news content syndicater later sold to Bertelsmann media group.[31]

Prior to that, Guillaume Besse cofounded his first company at the age of 20, and contracted for Apple in Cupertino, CA, USA and for Publicis in Paris, France.


References and Sources

  1. ^ MaxiSciences, 2010, "Interview de Guillaume Besse, fondateur et président de entreprise-facile"
  2. ^ Journal du Net,2006, ", un facilitateur de création d'entreprises"
  3. ^ Collaboratif Info, 2010, Entreprise Facile prend exemple sur Facebook pour son bureau virtuel
  4. ^ 01 Net, 2008, : “ ma petite entreprise ” en ligne...
  5. ^ Jean-Michel Billaut news, 2006, "Portrait Guillaume Besse" ...
  6. ^ Le Blog du community management, 2009, "Interview de Guillaume Besse"
  7. ^, Les communautés virtuelles : pourquoi et comment devenir membre ?
  8. ^ Mairie du 11e Arrondt de Paris, 2009, Forum Entrepreneuriat au Féminin
  9. ^ La Cantine, 2008, Mobile Monday Mobile organisé par Silicon Sentier à La Cantine
  10. ^ ParisPionnières, 2007, Ateliers Paris-Pionnières
  11. ^ Concours National de la Création d'Entreprise 2011
  12. ^ Nicolas Sarkozy' speech for the launching of Conseil national du numérique
  13. ^ Site officiel Le-Ker
  14. ^ Stratégies, 2003, La publicité a une odeur
  15. ^ Le Monde, 2004, "Les afficheurs tentent la publicité olfactive "
  16. ^ Stratégies, 2004, "Ca fleure bon"
  17. ^ Quaestus & Co Inc. Web site
  18. ^ Prolitec Management Team Prolitec
  19. ^ Prolitec advisory board
  20. ^ Air Sense News, Annonce du Partenariat Prolitec avec Abercrombie & Fitch
  21. ^ Air Sense News, Annonce du Partenariat Prolitec avec Abercrombie & Fitch
  22. ^ Le Matin, 2003, "MARKETING Les nouveaux panneaux d'affichage diffusent des senteurs. L'affiche parfumée pourrait bien devenir la nouvelle arme des publicitaires"
  23. ^ L'hotellerie restauration, 2003, "Pour renforcer l'identité d'un lieu"
  24. ^ Tarif Media, 2003, "H pour Homme inaugure le réseau olfactif de France Rail Publicité"
  25. ^ [1]
  26. ^ Ambassade de France en Chine, Rencontre avec 100 jeunes entrepreneurs français en Chine
  27. ^ 01Net, 2006, Itelios élabore des services cartographiques pour les agriculteurs
  28. ^ Itelios official Web
  29. ^ DEdiCate
  30. ^ Journal Du Net, 2000, nFactory : l'usine à contenu s'engage à respecter les droits d'auteurs
  31. ^ zdnet, 2001, L'agrégateur nFactory rejoint le groupe Bertelsmann
  32. ^ Amazon,2009